Supported Data Sources

Below is a selection of available data sources along with the required and optional connection parameters.

Amazon DynamoDB

Connect Amazon DynamoDB providing the following connection parameters:

dynamodb_config = DatabaseConfig(
        'aws_access_key_id': 'ASIAW...XGTQ5',
        'aws_secret_access_key': 'oOo2KYKAjd/jbu...AUAbx',
        'aws_session_token': 'IQoJb3...xwaNwvQ=',
        'region_name': 'us-east-2'
    # Optionally, you can provide the list of tables to be accessed by the Mind. If not provided, the Mind accesses all available tables.
    tables=['<TABLE-1>', '<TABLE-2>', ...]

Note that sample parameter values are provided here for reference, and you should replace them with your connection parameters.

Required connection parameters include the following:

  • aws_access_key_id: The AWS access key that identifies the user or IAM role.
  • aws_secret_access_key: The AWS secret access key that identifies the user or IAM role.
  • region_name: The AWS region to connect to.

Optional connection parameters include the following:

  • aws_session_token: The AWS session token that identifies the user or IAM role. This becomes necessary when using temporary security credentials.

Amazon Redshift

Connect Amazon Redshift providing the following connection parameters:

redshift_config = DatabaseConfig(
        'host': '',
        'port': 5439,
        'database': 'sample',
        'user': 'admin',
        'password': 'rXYZ92zXabcfdBXhMnrj6GTXYvcs8XXz'
    # Optionally, you can provide the list of tables to be accessed by the Mind. If not provided, the Mind accesses all available tables.
    tables=['<TABLE-1>', '<TABLE-2>', ...]

Note that sample parameter values are provided here for reference, and you should replace them with your connection parameters.

Required connection parameters include the following:

  • host: The host name or IP address of the Redshift cluster.
  • port: The port to use when connecting with the Redshift cluster.
  • database: The database name to use when connecting with the Redshift cluster.
  • user: The username to authenticate the user with the Redshift cluster.
  • password: The password to authenticate the user with the Redshift cluster.

Optional connection parameters include the following:

  • schema: The database schema to use. Defaults to public.
  • sslmode: The SSL mode for the connection.

Amazon S3

Connect Amazon S3 providing the following connection parameters:

s3_config = DatabaseConfig(
        'aws_access_key_id': 'ASIAW...XGTQ5',
        'aws_secret_access_key': 'oOo2KYKAjd/jbu...AUAbx',
        'aws_session_token': 'IQoJb3...xwaNwvQ=',
        'region_name': 'us-east-2',
        'bucket': 'my-bucket'
    # Optionally, you can provide the list of tables to be accessed by the Mind. If not provided, the Mind accesses all available tables.
    tables=['<TABLE-1>', '<TABLE-2>', ...]

Note that sample parameter values are provided here for reference, and you should replace them with your connection parameters.

Required connection parameters include the following:

  • aws_access_key_id: The AWS access key that identifies the user or IAM role.
  • aws_secret_access_key: The AWS secret access key that identifies the user or IAM role.
  • bucket: The name of the Amazon S3 bucket.

Optional connection parameters include the following:

  • aws_session_token: The AWS session token that identifies the user or IAM role. This becomes necessary when using temporary security credentials.
  • region_name: The AWS region to connect to. Defaults to us-east-1.


Connect ClickHouse providing the following connection parameters:

clickhouse_config = DatabaseConfig(
        'user': 'default',
        'password': '3ZgXtMqAGxyzp4ZYuRndiXY8tXurptTx',
        'host': '',
        'port': 8123,
        'database': 'default',
        'protocol': 'http'
    # Optionally, you can provide the list of tables to be accessed by the Mind. If not provided, the Mind accesses all available tables.
    tables=['<TABLE-1>', '<TABLE-2>', ...]

Note that sample parameter values are provided here for reference, and you should replace them with your connection parameters.

Required connection parameters include the following:

  • host: The hostname or IP address of the ClickHouse server.
  • port: The TCP/IP port of the ClickHouse server.
  • user: The username used to authenticate with the ClickHouse server.
  • password: The password to authenticate the user with the ClickHouse server.
  • database: The database name to use when connecting with the ClickHouse server. Defaults to default.

Optional connection parameters include the following:

  • protocol: It is an optional parameter. Its supported values are native, http and https. Defaults to native.


Connect Databricks providing the following connection parameters:

databricks_config = DatabaseConfig(
        'server_hostname': '',
        'http_path': '/sql/1.0/warehouses/123zx7f456e789a7',
        'access_token': 'dxyz9fa1234b6b12b1xyzc2e12345ebc9876',
        'catalog': 'mindsdb',
        'schema': 'default'
    # Optionally, you can provide the list of tables to be accessed by the Mind. If not provided, the Mind accesses all available tables.
    tables=['<TABLE-1>', '<TABLE-2>', ...]

Note that sample parameter values are provided here for reference, and you should replace them with your connection parameters.

Required connection parameters include the following:

  • server_hostname: The server hostname for the cluster or SQL warehouse.
  • http_path: The HTTP path of the cluster or SQL warehouse.
  • access_token: A Databricks personal access token for the workspace.

Refer to the instructions [1] and [2] to find the connection parameters mentioned above for your compute resource.

Optional connection parameters include the following:

  • session_configuration: Additional (key, value) pairs to set as Spark session configuration parameters. This should be provided as a JSON string.
  • http_headers: Additional (key, value) pairs to set in HTTP headers on every RPC request the client makes. This should be provided as a JSON string.
  • catalog: The catalog to use for the connection.
  • schema: The schema (database) to use for the connection.


Connect Elasticsearch providing the following connection parameters:

elasticsearch_config = DatabaseConfig(
        'cloud_id': 'a12345b...gxM2IwMDY4ZDM0',
        'hosts': '',
        'api_key': 'ckXYZ2x...X3haZUhuZx==',
        'user': 'elastic',
        'password': 'XYi0XYoZxLhrXmwXYZt12M7g'
    # Optionally, you can provide the list of tables to be accessed by the Mind. If not provided, the Mind accesses all available tables.
    tables=['<TABLE-1>', '<TABLE-2>', ...]

Note that sample parameter values are provided here for reference, and you should replace them with your connection parameters.

The connection parameters include the following:

  • cloud_id: The Cloud ID provided with the ElasticSearch deployment. Required only when hosts is not provided.
  • hosts: The ElasticSearch endpoint provided with the ElasticSearch deployment. Required only when cloud_id is not provided.
  • api_key: The API key that you generated for the ElasticSearch deployment. Required only when user and password are not provided.
  • user and password: The user and password used to authenticate. Required only when api_key is not provided.

Google BigQuery

Connect Google BigQuery providing the following connection parameters:

bigquery_config = DatabaseConfig(
        'project_id': 'my-project-12345',
        'dataset': 'my_dataset',
        'service_account_json': {
                'type': 'service_account',
                'project_id': 'my-project-12345',
                'private_key_id': '03b20...364e609d1',
                'private_key': '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\xyz\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n',
                'client_email': '[email protected]',
                'client_id': '1234...8123',
                'auth_uri': '',
                'token_uri': '',
                'auth_provider_x509_cert_url': '',
                'client_x509_cert_url': '',
                'universe_domain': ''
    # Optionally, you can provide the list of tables to be accessed by the Mind. If not provided, the Mind accesses all available tables.
    tables=['<TABLE-1>', '<TABLE-2>', ...]

Note that sample parameter values are provided here for reference, and you should replace them with your connection parameters.

Required connection parameters include the following:

  • project_id: The globally unique identifier for your project in Google Cloud where BigQuery is located.
  • dataset: The default dataset to connect to.
  • service_account_json: It stores the content of the service account keys file used to autheticate the user.


Connect MariaDB providing the following connection parameters:

mariadb_config = DatabaseConfig(
        'user': 'user',
        'password': 'password',
        'host': '',
        'port': 3307,
        'database': 'test_data'
    # Optionally, you can provide the list of tables to be accessed by the Mind. If not provided, the Mind accesses all available tables.
    tables=['<TABLE-1>', '<TABLE-2>', ...]

Note that sample parameter values are provided here for reference, and you should replace them with your connection parameters.

Required connection parameters include the following:

  • user: The username for the MariaDB database.
  • password: The password for the MariaDB database.
  • host: The hostname, IP address, or URL of the MariaDB server.
  • port: The port number for connecting to the MariaDB server.
  • database: The name of the MariaDB database to connect to.

Alternatively, you can define the url parameter to specify a connection to MariaDB Server using a URI-like string. You can also use mysql:// as the protocol prefix.

Microsoft SQL Server

Connect Microsoft SQL Server providing the following connection parameters:

mssql_config = DatabaseConfig(
        'host': '',
        'port': 1433,
        'user': 'sa',
        'password': '#eXY1RbcUkJXyy_L',
        'database': 'master'
    # Optionally, you can provide the list of tables to be accessed by the Mind. If not provided, the Mind accesses all available tables.
    tables=['<TABLE-1>', '<TABLE-2>', ...]

Note that sample parameter values are provided here for reference, and you should replace them with your connection parameters.

Required connection parameters include the following:

  • user: The username for the Microsoft SQL Server.
  • password: The password for the Microsoft SQL Server.
  • host The hostname, IP address, or URL of the Microsoft SQL Server.
  • database The name of the Microsoft SQL Server database to connect to.

Optional connection parameters include the following:

  • port: The port number for connecting to the Microsoft SQL Server. Defaults to 1433.
  • server: The server name to connect to. Typically only used with named instances or Azure SQL Database.


Connect MongoDB providing the following connection parameters:

mongodb_config = DatabaseConfig(
        'host': 'mongodb+srv://user:[email protected]/',
        'database': 'public'
    # Optionally, you can provide the list of tables to be accessed by the Mind. If not provided, the Mind accesses all available tables.
    tables=['<TABLE-1>', '<TABLE-2>', ...]

Note that sample parameter values are provided here for reference, and you should replace them with your connection parameters.

Required connection parameters include the following:

  • host: The host name, IP address or connection string of the MongoDB server.

Optional connection parameters include the following:

  • username: The username associated with the database.
  • password: The password to authenticate your access.
  • port: The port through which TCP/IP connection is to be made.
  • database: The database name to be connected. Required only when the connection string does not contain the /database path.


Connect MySQL providing the following connection parameters:

mysql_config = DatabaseConfig(
        'user': 'user',
        'password': 'MindsXYZ123',
        'host': '',
        'port': 3306,
        'database': 'public'
    # Optionally, you can provide the list of tables to be accessed by the Mind. If not provided, the Mind accesses all available tables.
    tables=['<TABLE-1>', '<TABLE-2>', ...]

Note that sample parameter values are provided here for reference, and you should replace them with your connection parameters.

Required connection parameters include the following:

  • user: The username for the MySQL database.
  • password: The password for the MySQL database.
  • host: The hostname, IP address, or URL of the MySQL server.
  • port: The port number for connecting to the MySQL server.
  • database: The name of the MySQL database to connect to.

Alternatively, you can define the url parameter to specify a connection to MySQL Server using a URI-like string.


Connect PostgreSQL providing the following connection parameters:

postgres_config = DatabaseConfig(
        'user': 'demo_user',
        'password': 'demo_password',
        'host': '',
        'port': 5432,
        'database': 'demo',
        'schema': 'demo_data'
    # Optionally, you can provide the list of tables to be accessed by the Mind. If not provided, the Mind accesses all available tables.
    tables=['<TABLE-1>', '<TABLE-2>', ...]

Note that the above connection parameters connect to the sample database provided by MindsDB.

Required connection parameters include the following:

  • user: The username for the PostgreSQL database.
  • password: The password for the PostgreSQL database.
  • host: The hostname, IP address, or URL of the PostgreSQL server.
  • port: The port number for connecting to the PostgreSQL server.
  • database: The name of the PostgreSQL database to connect to.

Optional connection parameters include the following:

  • schema: The database schema to use. Defaults to public.
  • sslmode: The SSL mode for the connection.


Connect Snowflake providing the following connection parameters:

snowflake_config = DatabaseConfig(
        'account': 'abcxyzw-yz12345',
        'user': 'USER',
        'password': 'x1Y2z3f3i4r',
        'database': 'SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA',
        'schema': 'SAMPLES'
    # Optionally, you can provide the list of tables to be accessed by the Mind. If not provided, the Mind accesses all available tables.
    tables=['<TABLE-1>', '<TABLE-2>', ...]

Note that sample parameter values are provided here for reference, and you should replace them with your connection parameters.

Required connection parameters include the following:

  • account: The Snowflake account identifier. This guide will help you find your account identifier.
  • user: The username for the Snowflake account.
  • password: The password for the Snowflake account.
  • database: The name of the Snowflake database to connect to.

Optional connection parameters include the following:

  • warehouse: The Snowflake warehouse to use for running queries.
  • schema: The database schema to use within the Snowflake database. Defaults to PUBLIC.
  • role: The Snowflake role to use.

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